What are the spiritual needs of an older person
In the united states, more than 90% of older people consider themselves religious or spiritual.The instrument differentiates 4 main factors, that is, (1) religious needs (cronbach's alpha =.92), that is, praying for and with others, and, by themselves, participate at a religious ceremony, reading of spiritual/religious books, and turn to a higher presence (i.e., god, angels);Meeting a loved one's spiritual needs delivers other benefits for the elder.• identifying what gives their life meaning.Existential or spiritual concerns are especially important for older people and those faced with their fragility and mortality.
• sharing their life story.Will training nurses improve their knowledge of and confidence in using spiritual care to enhance?The spiritual needs of dying patients include:Most people tend to have casual acquaintances in their younger years, but with age comes depth in relationships.We believed that the most effective way of doing this was by providing a tool for facilitators, to enable them to hold spirituality sessions for small groups of older people.
The merck study summarized other studies about religion, spirituality, and the elderly which have shown that there is growing evidence that religious or spiritual practices may be associated with better physical health and greater longevity as well as better mental health and greater social support.People may reject traditional religion but consider themselves spiritual.As an older american, you can do all kinds of things to get more in tune with your spiritual core.Spiritual issues people nearing the end of life may have spiritual needs as compelling as their physical and emotional concerns.In the light of this, according to sherwood (2000) spiritual needs may be attained through the aims of the study were to explore nurses' perceptions of faith, hope, love, trust, meaning and purpose, relationships, their role in addressing the spiritual needs of older people and forgiveness, creativity, and experiences that serve as catalysts.