What is the definition of equivocate
To use ambiguous expressions with a view to mislead;Copyright © harpercollins publishers derived forms equivocatingly (eˈquivoˌcatingly) adverb equivocator (eˈquivoˌcator) noun equivocatory (eˈquivocatory)Definition of equivocate to deceive or mislead someone using unclear language examples of equivocate in a sentence the crooked salesman went out of his way to equivocate the sales terms to the elderly couple.To use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead;Equivocate is defined as to use vague language in order to mislead or deceive.
Other words for equivocate evade, stall, dodge.Which of the following is the best definition of equivocate?To equivocate is to say something in a way that can be understood multiple ways, especially so that people will think you mean one thing when you really mean.Vb intr to use vague or ambiguous language, esp.To avoid committing oneself in what.
• equivocate (verb) the verb equivocate has 1 sense:.See synonyms at lie 2.In order to avoid speaking directly or honestly;To use equivocal language in an attempt to mislead.As, to equivocate is the work of duplicity equivocate verb to render equivocal or ambiguous how to pronounce equivocate?
To act in insincere or deceitful manner;